Those with Medi-Cal insurance receive sessions at No Cost! As of 2023. I am a credentialed Medi-Cal and Central California Alliance Postpartum Doula

This includes:

One - 90-minute initial visit. We will go over how to prepare for the time after the baby, how to get the best sleep, breastfeeding education and newborn care.

Two - extended 3-hour visits. A longer shift will allow for recovery after birth, sleep, meals, education, and processing your birth story.

Eight - additional one-hour visits. Hearing your concerns and addressing them, enjoying your baby together and helping you with any issues that may have come up.

9 more additional one-hour visits offered with a referral from a medical provider!

VIsits are made in your home, or they can also take place at the Watsonville RC Fam/Raíces y Cariño community center. I also offer visits through TeleHealth video and/or audio call.

Beth 831-588-7367